
Golden White vs Brown Walnut Kernels

Myth#1 : Light Color is expensive so best

We are the first one to tell you that when it comes to buying walnut kernels, please stop wasting your money and paying unnecessarily more on white/light/golden color than on brown or dark amber color in name of high quality.

Myth#2 : Dark color is poor quality.

If quality is judged by pleasant looks please go for light color.

But if quality is judged by taste and health benefits associated with it, its brown walnuts and not white.

The reason behind this is that when walnut tree soaks more moisture from soil in seasons when snow fall is more in Kashmir, the color of kernels turn white and extra light inside the fruit. The more oil in the nut darker the color, the less oil in the nut lighter the color. You can test this theory by breaking and pressing a brown and light walnut kernels against your thumb on your palm. You pay in excess for light kernels and get less than half walnut extracts for your body, what’s the fun?

Myth#3 : Dark color walnut kernels have bitter or poor taste.

Brown kernels are tastiest of all varieties and very cheap. Go for it and do let others know about this misconception.