3P Light Half Kashmiri Walnut Kernels


Straight from orchids in kashmir, best quality freshly packed, processed and delivered to your doorstps at bare minimum prices for sustainable repeat business.

Just try Parotfly once and would not go anywhere else !!!

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3P Kashmiri Inshell Walnuts – 1kg


Handpicked selected pure kashmiri tasty walnuts with shell at budget price only for parotfly customers.These walnuts are not chemical washed hence not come with that shiny stain free shell texture which also spoils the kernels inside but they are naturally water washed and dried which keeps the kernels sweet and tasty. Thin shell easily crackable. Shell keeps walnut kernels fresh and tasty for period upto 12 months easily. Thanks parotfly !! 

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3P Brown Kashmiri Walnut Kernels


Light brown kashmiri walnut kernels at budget price only for parotfly customers.With highest oil content and tastiest of all, these kashmiri superoods come at jaw dropping prices. try it once and you will never go for any other variety 

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